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'The Tracks'. Dark Poetry Collection. Wingless Dreamer. January 2021.
Some nights are too cold for stilettos
One platform and icy concrete
No place here to drink white coffee
Two young girls on metal benches
Sit and watch their make-up smudging
Sharing fags and passing lighters
Hair back-brushed to reach the sky
And fishnets tearing cautiously
Around their scabbing, bloody knees.

Two Poems: 'Dan Collins Could Have Written This Better (A Villanelle' and 'Opportunity'. The Confessionalist Zine Issue 1. July 2019.
We lie alone together, and we drink
Unspoken, we are touching skin to skin,
All these sensations make it hard to think.
The Opportunity Rover died
On Mars
While it was getting dark
And his batteries were low.
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